Why support us?
All teams working on Politeia 2.0 are volunteers.
We aim to facilitate and accelerate innovative social processes that will enable new theories, experiences, social demands, and results to emerge.
We map, coordinate and support the meeting of existing creative forces, individuals, groups, and organizations. We produce open social events at a local, national, and international level. We explore existing and emerging methods of systemic change and social transition in order to multiply our methodological effect and ensure sustainable results. We focus on purely institutional issues and on the social structures and relations that determine our political life. We transcend limitations of party lines and political ideologies.
Your support is of crucial importance: through supporting and donating you are helping to realize a new social platform of governance and expand its activities for the new citizenry.
Politeia 2.0 is a platform for designing and developing innovative decision-making processes that serve our mission and commitment to Democracy.
Democracy is at the core of our mission. Around it, we design and implement projects in 4 fields:
Science, Culture, Citizens’ Information & Engagement and Political Institutions Design
Through Politeia 2.0 projects:
- We gather and disseminate knowledge about Greece’s Democratic Deficit and highlight contemporary applications of Democracy from across the globe.
- We examine the existing Institutions of our country including the Constitution and develop cutting-edge, open, and participatory processes in order to redesign them them.
- We organize interdisciplinary events, deliberative polls, educational workshops and participatory activities in order to experiment with innovative democratic practices.
- We invite citizens of other countries to come to Athens and collectively explore and redefine the relationship between Politics, Citizenship, Culture and Philosophy.
- We are envisioning a Global Hub for Political Innovation, here in Athens.
- We design public diplomacy strategies for our country, acknowledging its international social responsibility as the cradle of Democracy.
Become a Politeia 2.0 member:
Annual subscription 2016 | 25 €
With your subscription you are actively supporting the development of citizen workshops, information and knowledge dissemination, and our educational programs throughout Greece, as well as the independent and participatory political innovation platform Politeia 2.0.
As a member you
- may actively participate in our workshops and thematic brainstorming which plan our next activities and actions
- are regularly informed of all our networks’ upcoming activities
- may have access to training materials and articles
- may participate in information and networking events
To become a member, please fill in the application below. If you wish to join the Politeia 2.0 work force feel free to send us your CV.
Your subscription may be paid via paypal or bank transfer.
Submit your annual subscription fee (25 euro) in the following bank account:
ΙΒΑΝ:GR25 0172 0230 0050 2307 2832 092
Pireus Bank
The Beneficiary of Politeia 2.0 is the non-profit organization PLACE IDENTITY.GR [Clusters of the identity and place of citizen participation] which supports the management of Politeia 2.0 through a separate bank account.
Members and donors of the platform Politeia 2.0 will receive an annual financial report actions.
Politeia 2.0 is a not-for-profit platform with not-for-profit activities. All projects are funded through participatory funding. Any donation or support by individual citizens is of crucial importance in order to implement and expand Politeia 2.0 activities and make headway towards a “Second Generation State”.
Support all activities initiated by the platform for political innovation Politeia 2.0:
Politeia 2.0
The platform’s financial report for the period 2012-2013 is available here. The financial report for the non-profit organization Place Identity, which manages all the activities associated with Politeia 2.0, is available here (the financial report for the period 2013-2015 will be available and published at the end of the 2015).
Support selected activities initiated by the social platform Politeia 2.0:
Intedisciplinary Conference IDEA|TOPOS
Social and technological innovation for Democracy
Information Portal:
Citizens information and engagement campaign
Educational Programs
Experiential training on modern methods of cooperation for groups and organizations, and participatory planning tools.