The design and development of the Politeia 2.0 platform is realised through horizontal and open working teams of volunteers. Each action is able to take place thanks to the collaboration of individuals and organizations, which are presented in detail on the website of each individual activity. During the period 2012-2015, the coordinating body of clusters that implemented the project POLITEIA 2.0 was the nonprofit PLACE IDENTITY.

Meet the team members of Syntagma 2.0

Meet the organizing committee of the interdisciplinary conference IDEATOPOS 2015

The members of our working team are...

Stella Gamvrelli

Lawyer| Citizens Workshop Coordination

There is a very great need for the world to believe in something new and see that there are ways to help society move forward. I remember people in workshops coming in a sceptical state of mind and leaving full of hope and faith, that we as ordinary citizens are able to bring change which will affect our environment and our society through collective and participatory processes.

Alexander Nousias

Legal Advisor | Methodology Group Syntagma 2.0

As Cléon Arzoglou argued "Doubt and questioning is the spice of thought and search, necessary for the progress and searching, they offer no protection from the pitfalls of the convenient and easy version and delusion. But they still want their measure. Otherwise damage the heart and kidneys, as well as natural salt. Will you follow me? "